Tag Archive: Summer time

  1. Top Tips for Garden Watering

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    Garden Watering Top Tips

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published July 2022


    Staying hydrated is just as important for our plants as it is for us. Watering your garden regularly, and correctly, will ensure that it flourishes throughout the year. It can be tricky keeping up with a watering schedule, but we have put together some top tips to help you:


    Use lots and less often

    It may seem back to front, but plants do not follow the rule of ‘little and often’. Instead, give your plants a thorough soaking, then leave them longer in between watering. It’s important to let the soil dry out to avoid things like root rot.

    Concentrate on the roots

    Water around the bases of your plants where possible, as this will help the water to soak down through the soil and reach the roots. Try not to create large pools of water, as your soil may become waterlogged and suppress the oxygen supply to your plant.

    Make a full circle

    Whilst sticking to the roots, make sure to reach all sides of the plant to avoid uneven root growth. Covering all areas will ensure the plant absorbs as many nutrients as possible and creates a well-balanced root system.

    Slow and steady

    Be sure to apply the water slowly and carefully. Depending on the moisture level, it can take a little while for the water to absorb into the soil. If you pour on the water too fast, it will just run off.

    Leaf them alone

    Avoid getting the leaves on your plants too wet, as this can make them prone to leaf-mould diseases and burn marks.

    Time it right

    The ideal time for watering your garden is later in the evening, or early in the morning. When the temperature is cooler, the moisture can get deeper into the soil before it evaporates.

    Store and recycle

    If you haven’t already got one, investing in a water butt can save you a great deal of money over time. Not only will it collect rainwater that can be reused, but you can keep it topped up as well. We empty our paddling pool into ours throughout the summer, as well as any receptacles that have gathered water during rainfall.


    Water butt pouring into a blue watering can in front of some hedging


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  2. Get the Look – Summer Glow

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    Get the Look – Summer Glow

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published July 2022


    How does your garden glow?

    Summer evenings are the perfect time to kick back and relax outdoors. Imagine spending those warm nights catching up with friends in this perfect outdoor setting. Inspired by tropical holiday destinations, you can pretend you’re hanging out at an exotic resort at a moment’s notice.

    Anyone can achieve this look, and we have put together our top tips to get your garden glowing.

    grey rattan sofa and armchair set in an outdoor patio setting

    See our garden sofa sets for a range of budgets

    1. Find the right spot

    Whether you have a petite patio or some spacious decking, you will want to choose the perfect spot for your new hangout. Try to pick somewhere secluded that provides you with some privacy, nobody feels relaxed when they are being watched. Corners are particularly great for creating a cosy ambience.

    Arrange your furniture so that everyone can socialise effortlessly. Garden sofa sets are often referred to as ‘conversation sets’, as they can be perfectly arranged to have everyone gathered around and chatting. Adding a garden coffee table makes it easier to serve drinks and snacks to guests.

    rolled up bamboo reed screening to the left and rolled out screening to the right

    Discover our range of reed screening and trellis online

    2. Bring in layers and texture

    Being outdoors doesn’t mean you can’t decorate, you just need to look at it from a new angle. If you own your fence, consider adding a lick of paint or varnish to give it a whole new look. Bamboo and reed screening is great for defining areas and adding new textures to a previously dull wall or fence.

    Using natural textures gives the feel of a tropical bar destination and will have you and your guests feeling like you’re on holiday. Outdoor rugs not only provide patterns and colours, but they bring the space together like an outdoor living room and make it super inviting.

    Hardy Fan Palm Trachycarpus Fortunei and Phoenix Canariensis Palm side by side

    We have a wide range of outdoor plants for home delivery

    3. Add calm with a palm (or two)

    Plants, plants, plants – we can’t get enough of them. These tropical beauties are absolutely perfect for feeling like you’re on a staycation. Palms are not always ideal for beginners, so if you are new to gardening then be sure to read up on the care and maintenance advice to keep your plants flourishing for longer.

    Surround your furniture with bushy green foliage and decorative pot plants to really make it feel like an oasis. If you are looking for something a little easier to maintain, why not try some easy-to-grow perennials or hardy ferns?

    brightly coloured glowing light bulb shaped solar string lights

    Discover our online range of solar lighting

    4. Finally, it’s time to get glowing

    Let there be light – and lots of it. The best thing about solar lighting is that after the initial purchase, it requires no running cost whatsoever! You can add as many solar lights to your outdoor space as you like without having to worry about the utility bills.

    String lights look beautiful pinned to fences or along roof edges, you can even wrap them around tree branches! Solar stake lights are ideal for brightening up borders, whilst lanterns can give the corners a radiant glow. Why not add a little personality with some novelty-shaped solar lights such as animals, or even neon signs?

    The finishing touches

    Create a coordinated finishing look by bringing in a colour scheme. If you have any flowering plants in the area, perhaps try to match your chosen accessories to the colours of the blooms. Insect repelling candles and colourful plastic tableware can really liven up your table setting.

    Now you have a relaxing outdoor setting, take the time to get outdoors and enjoy it. The summer is not here for long, so make the most of it.


    Whatever you are looking for, you can count on us to provide you with great quality.

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  3. Lawn Care Guide

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    Lawn Care Guide – How to Care for Your Grass All Year Round

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published June 2022


    For many of us, the lawn is the centre of our garden, and we take great pride in keeping it looking its best. Maintaining a healthy lawn all year round is no easy task, as it requires a lot of maintenance. Our guide to lawn care is a handy reminder of all the monthly tasks that will ensure your grass is in its very best condition throughout the year.


    golden retriever rolling on grass with an orange ball in its mouth

    If you want to keep your lawn pet-friendly, try Safelawn.

    January & February

    If there has been a snowfall, try to avoid walking on the grass too much, as it can lead to a build-up of snow mould.

    When the ground is not frozen or waterlogged, try to remove as many old leaves and debris as possible.

    Give your mower some routine maintenance, including cleaning and sharpening the blades. This will help it be in its best condition ahead of the upcoming busy season.



    By now the days are getting warmer and it’s time for the initial two cuts of the year.

    Adjust your mower blades so they just remove the tips of the grass. Do not use a close-cut, as it would likely lead to the grass browning.



    Now is the time to start mowing your lawn regularly and keep on top of any weeds coming through. If you have persistent weeds, it may be better to dig them out.

    If the surface is uneven and needs smoothing out, try applying a top-dressing.

    You may discover bare patches, which can now be remedied with a patch fix mix.

    Unless your lawn is less than a year old, it will benefit from being scarified (providing this was not done in the autumn).

    Rake the grass, bringing your metal rake firmly across the surface to break up the thatch. Whilst it may look a little worse for wear at first, it will provide your lawn with great benefits over the coming months.


    View our online range of lawnmowers here.


    It’s time to give your lawn a feed. If you applied weedkiller last month, use a simple liquid lawn feed to give the grass a boost. If you haven’t applied any weedkiller yet, try a combination mix with both feed and weed & moss killer. Combination mixes are a great way to save time.

    Looking a little on the thin side? Try overseeding with some lawn seed. Once you have added the seed, apply feed regularly and water if there are dry spells.

    Continue to mow regularly to keep on top of growth.



    The weather can be unpredictable this month, and during dry spells, your lawn will need to be watered thoroughly to keep it healthy.

    As it’s growing season, weeds will be sprouting through regularly. You can keep on top of them by hand-pulling them or they can be spot treated with a weedkiller.

    Continue to cut your grass regularly, taking just a little off each time. If your lawn is prone to Clover, try raking over the lawn before mowing to remove the runners.



    Now that the temperature is soaring, there is the potential for a hosepipe ban. If there is a drought, your grass may turn brown and lay dormant, but it will soon revive once the rain returns.

    If the weather is particularly dry, leave the clippings on the lawn surface after mowing to help seal in the moisture. Although this is not recommended if you are still suffering from weeds.

    Apply some liquid or granular feed and keep on top of weeding. Rake occasionally to prevent debris from building up.



    Continue to mow your lawn regularly and give it a good soaking during dry spells.

    Prolonged periods of drought may cause cracks in the ground. These can be filled with lawn top dressing, such as compost, lawn sand or topsoil.


    Person filling a spreader ready to apply to a green lawn

    You can stock up on lawn feed here.

    September to October

    Be ready to get busy again, there is lots to do in preparation for autumn.

    Now is the time to start mowing less often, we also recommended adjusting the height of your cutting blades to leave the grass longer. Thicker grass is better protected from potential snowfall.

    Before mowing, check for worm casts that may appear on your lawn. Once dry, these can be removed with a stiff brush.

    If you find any worn patches, these can be repaired with a turf or patch fix.

    Scarify the area to remove any thatch, and then aerate your lawn. This process will leave holes in the ground, which can then be filled by brushing over some top dressing. We would recommend top soil mixed with grass seed for this application.

    Finally, apply an autumn feed and moss killer combination.

    Whilst it may not look as appealing after this treatment, it will be better prepared for the harshness of winter.


    November & December

    Regular raking will ensure your lawn is kept free of debris and leaves. If there is a spell of mild weather, you may need to do the occasional mowing for any active growth.

    You may find your bordering shrubs and trees have grown a lot over the summer. Trim back any foliage that casts lengthy shadows over your lawn.

    During long, wet spells or icy weather, try to avoid walking directly on your grass.

    Before storing garden tools and machinery away for winter, give them a look over. They may require cleaning and oiling to be in the best condition for next year.



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    luscious, rich green grass

  4. Garden Maintenance Tips for Spring

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    Garden Maintenance Tips for Spring

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published May 2022


    With so much needing to be done in our gardens in spring, we thought it would be helpful to share some of our top tips with you. Keeping your garden well maintained in spring will help it flourish during summer.


    Where to start?

    Just like the rest of our home, our gardens require some Spring Cleaning! Give your patio, decking and garden furniture a good wash down ready for upcoming garden parties.

    Weed your garden beds and containers, topping them up with nutritious compost if needed. If you have a garden pond or water feature, be sure to clean out any debris and clean the filters.

    Bird feeders will also benefit from a clean this time of year. Make sure to use a mild soap solution and rinse the feeder thoroughly before adding fresh food.

    A broom leaning against a fence above dark wood decking covered in soap bubbles

    See our outdoor cleaning products – perfect for tougher jobs

    Have a good trim

    Take some time to look over your shrubs, trees and perennials and give them a good prune where needed. Cut back any branches which look dead, damaged or diseased. Pruning your plants before their growing season will encourage healthy new branches. If you would like more advice on pruning, we recommend this great article by Ann Whitman.

    Maintain a regular deadheading routine with any plants that flower. Once the petals begin the shed, a flowering plant will start to use all its energy to produce seeds instead of flowers. Removing dead petals will encourage the plant to focus its energy on creating more blooms and it will flower for longer.

    A close up of bypass secateurs clipping a small branch on a dormant tree

    Our garden tools are perfect for getting the job done

    How can I care for my lawn in spring?

    There are some simple ways you can keep your lawn looking its best over the warmer months. Regular lawn mowing will deter weeds and encourage a healthy growth cycle.

    If your lawn is looking a little tired, you could try applying a little lawn fertilizer to give it a boost, being sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

    If you have a build-up of moss, a good raking of the area will usually clear it out. When patches begin to appear on your lawn, fixing them quickly will avoid further issues. You can usually pick up a patch-repair formula in the shops.

    A vibrant and healthy green lawn

    Get your lawn looking its best with our lawn care products

    Get mulching

    What is mulch? Mulches can be a variety of materials or coverings which are used as a protective layer on top of your soil or compost, to provide the earth underneath with benefits. Plants, trees and shrubs can all benefit from different types of mulches.

    For example, adding a layer of mulch to your roses can help to suppress weeds and also provide the roses with moisture and nutrients. The most common types of mulches are organic materials such as compost, bark or well-rotted manure (smells terrible, but your roses will love it!).

    You can find out more about how to mulch in your garden here at Gardeners’ World.

    A wheelbarrow full of garden compost mulch with a spade and a garden bed full of red roses in the background

    Nutritious compost makes an excellent layer of mulch

    Get your butt ready

    This summer is going to be a challenge when it comes to utility bills, so thinking ahead could save some money. Give your garden somewhere to gather and store rainwater with a water butt. They are most efficient when directly attached to the drainpipe, but you can add water collection points all over your garden.

    Saving up rainwater throughout the springtime savings will reduce the need for the garden hose in summer and help you reduce your water bill. Water recycling is also incredibly helpful for the environment, a lovely additional benefit!

    A green water butt attached to a drainpipe in a back garden

    We have a great range of water butts online

    Top up your topcoats

    Garden furniture or garden buildings made of wood will often require annual maintenance, such as a topcoat. Pressure-treated wood will usually be protected for several years, however, dip-treated wood will need continued care.

    Spring is a great time to apply a fresh layer of topcoat to wooden garden furniture, buildings and even fences. Choose a nice sunny day so there is plenty of time for the topcoat to dry thoroughly. Then you can relax knowing your garden is protected and in its best shape for summer.

    Man and son painting a large wooden buildingwith light grey paint

    Rounding up

    Spring is the perfect time to make sure everything is in order, so you can enjoy more of your summer outdoors. Give the garden a good spruce up, look after your outdoor furniture and protect your plants. And remember, hard work in spring will pay off in summer – when you can sit back and put your feet up!


    Whatever you are looking for, you can count on us to provide you with great quality.

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  5. Makeover Your Garden on a Budget

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    Makeover Your Garden on a Budget

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published April 2022


    Now that spring is here it’s time to start getting your garden ready to enjoy the warm summer days that are just around the corner. Your garden is the perfect place to enjoy the sunshine, whether you are relaxing on your own or inviting family and friends around for a barbecue. Revamping your garden doesn’t have to cost a fortune and there are some simple ways to get your garden summer-ready whilst on a budget.

    Grey rattan garden furniture with sofa and armchairs on light wood decking

    See our wide range of Garden Furniture here.

    Add garden furniture

    Adding quality garden furniture to your garden is the perfect way to make the most of your outdoor space. Bistro sets offer excellent value for money and are ideal for patios, providing the perfect place to enjoy a drink while relaxing in the sunshine. If you are looking for something bigger, a garden sofa set is perfect for getting together with friends or entertaining guests.

    When the weather gets warm enough, there is nothing better than sunbathing in the privacy of your own garden. There are plenty of options to suit all budgets and make sure you have somewhere to lie back and relax. Hammocks and sun loungers are an affordable way to stretch out and enjoy the glorious sunshine.

    If you already have a garden set, why not give it a little makeover with some new outdoor cushions? Add a splash of colour with some garden textiles, or use an outdoor rug to add a whole new dimension to the space. Throws are great for staying warm during the evening time when the temperature gets a little cooler.

    Large round solar string lights hanging on a wooden trellis fence with a warm glow

    Find the perfect garden lighting for your space here.

    Create the right lighting

    When the sun goes down but it’s still warm enough to sit outside, outdoor lighting can help you enjoy your garden for longer. One of the most cost-effective ways to light your garden is by using solar lights. Recharging using sunlight, solar lights don’t use any electricity or batteries – giving them zero running costs!

    Why not get creative with lighting? Battery-powered string lights in painted glass jars always make an eye-catching feature. When you finish off a jar of pickles or cooking sauce, give the jar a wash and keep it to one side. Add a quick coat of glass paint and pop in your battery-powered lights and you can give your outdoor space some beautiful themed lighting.

    Man in a checked shirt and apron leaning over an active barbecue grilling lots of food

    Barbecues come in a range of sizes and prices.

    An excuse for a new BBQ

    Summer is barbecue season and who doesn’t love a freshly grilled burger from the barbecue? With the current increase in energy prices – BBQ cooking might be one of the cheaper ways to cook this summer! Barbecues are perfect for parties where all your neighbours, family and friends are around to enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon.

    Whilst some of the larger models can be a little pricey, there are plenty of budget barbecues to be found. Smaller charcoal barbecues are inexpensive and still provide a great way to get your grill on. Investing in the right barbecue for your outdoor space means you can enjoy outdoor cooking all summer, which provides a lot of low-cost entertainment for friends and family.

    Seeds and compost on a work surface with a blue trowel and biodegradable seed trays

    Grow an abundance of green for less with Seeds.

    Plentiful planting for less

    One of the easiest ways to create an attractive and colourful garden space is to fill it with plants. This can sound like an expensive task, but there are cheaper ways to do this – if you are willing to be a little patient.

    Getting ahead of the season with plants is the easiest way to get more for your money. Planting bulbs during winter is a cheap way to fill planters and garden borders, ready to bloom when the warmer weather arrives. You can also pick up packets of flower seeds for a low price and nurture them in seed trays, ready for transplanting in Spring. Growing your own flowers is the cheapest way to get an abundance of flowers.

    Room to grow

    If you have left it too late in the season to start from seeds, have a look at bedding plants. You can pick up large trays full of spring-flowering bedding plants at great prices. These colourful flowers tend to spread out quickly if well looked after and provide a cheap way to fill large areas with a burst of colour. The Sunday Gardener has some great advice on planting bedding plants.

    Many shrubs and trees can be purchased as “bare root” plants, which are usually much cheaper than an established mature plant. Although they look a little unappealing in this state of growth, given the right conditions they will grow to be beautiful mature plants. With a little patience, you can create a beautiful garden space on a small budget.

    Up close of a blue handled paintbrush applying a coat of varnish to timber

    Find fantastic paintbrushes for your Garden upcycling.

    Spruce it up

    It doesn’t always have to be a case of “out with the old and in with the new”. Some structures in our gardens may just need a little TLC. If you have some dilapidated wooden furniture or a sad-looking fence, there are things you can do to give them a quick facelift.

    Sanding down rough wooden surfaces and applying a fresh coat of either wooden paint or varnish, can really give the wood a new lease of life. You can even use this as an opportunity to add some personality to the space. Why not try a new colour scheme? Grey exterior wood paint is becoming increasingly popular for outdoor spaces and provides a contemporary aesthetic.

    Keep it clean

    We all have our cleaning routines for around the house, but we might forget the garden. Cleaning down your patio, garden furniture and plant pots can leave your outdoor space sparkling and fresh. Weeding in between paving slabs and gravel patches can really tidy up the space.

    Plastic, metal and rattan furniture can also be given a freshen up with a good clean. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s guidelines before cleaning to ensure the best outcome. Read here for some great advice from Good Housekeeping.

    Enjoy the space

    When the weather is good, be sure to get outdoors and enjoy it. Spending time in your garden is a great way to identify quick fixes and areas that need some attention. Little changes can make a big difference, and they can all be made within budget.



    Whatever you are looking for, you can count on us to provide you with great quality.

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  6. The Benefits of Bistro Sets

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    The Benefits of Bistro Sets

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published March 2022


    What is a bistro set?

    A bistro set traditionally consists of a small round table with two accompanying chairs, perfect for two people to sit and dine together. Ideal for small spaces, bistro sets make a lovely addition to any outdoor space. Whether you have a cosy patio area or a compact balcony you can relax with a friend or a loved one whilst you take in the view.

    Metal and mosaic bistro set on a balcony with plants

    A compact bistro set is perfect for smaller spaces, such as balconies.  View Collection.

    Why is it called a bistro set?

    The name originates from Paris, where bistros would line their outdoor pavements with small tables and chairs for diners. The idea was to have enough room for people to sit and enjoy their meal comfortably, whilst leaving plenty of room for passing pedestrians. Bistro sets are still a common sight on the streets of Paris, helping to create that romantic atmosphere it is so well known for.


    Modern teal egg shaped rattan chair bistro set

    Monaco Garden Bistro Set by Royalcraft. View product.

    Where should bistro sets be placed?

    Another added benefit of the bistro set, is they are often lightweight and easy to manoeuvre. Perfect for chasing the sun around your garden and soaking up the last of the evening warmth. Place your bistro set on a patio, a balcony or even in your conservatory. Bistro sets provide versatile seating that can be enjoyed all day long, from an alfresco breakfast all the way through to an evening vino!

    Rocking chair bistro set

    Kingswood Garden Bistro Set by Greenhurst. View product.

    Evenings just got more relaxing.

    After a busy day, nothing feels better than to get out into the garden and unwind with loved ones. A bistro set can provide the perfect place to take a load off and relax after a long day, enjoying a drink or two with a loved one. If you love spending your weekends tidying up the garden, why not give yourself the perfect setting to sit back and admire all of your hard work?

    Rattan Bistro Set for Patio

    Valencia Rattan Garden Bistro Set by Royalcraft.  View product.

    Not just for the outdoors.

    Although they are most commonly placed on patios or decking, a bistro set can be used in so many different ways. A conservatory is a perfect place for outdoor furniture, providing the space with somewhere to sit and relax on rainy days whilst also protecting the furniture from the elements. If you have a summerhouse or log cabin in your garden, you can use the space in a similar way. When we know the sunshine is ready to stay for a few days, you can always move bistro sets outside to make the most of those sun rays.

    Classic wrought iron fold out bistro set

    Wensum Wrought Iron Bistro Set Sage Green.  View product.

    A new hotspot for lunch.

    As the days get longer and the warmer weather returns, what could be better than somewhere to sit and enjoy lunch in the sunshine? We will all be looking for more excuses to get out and spend time in the garden and an alfresco lunch is always a winner. Whether you are having a simple sarnie with a cuppa or serving a sophisticated salad, a lunch with a view is always tastier. Bistro sets are perfect for those spontaneous “shall we eat outside” moments.

    Black zero gravity recliners on a sunny patio

    Tolverne Zero Gravity Garden Bistro Set by Croft. View product.

    Time for a much-needed break.

    Your garden should be somewhere you can relax and enjoy some self-care. As we lead such busy lives, it is more important than ever to take a break from time to time. Replenish your wellbeing by spending some time out in the fresh air and reconnecting with nature. Put your feet up, listen to the birds singing and watch the clouds move by. Take the time to let all your stressful thoughts fade away and discover new ways to unwind.

    Bright Blue metal fold out bistro set

    Padstow Garden Bistro Set by Royalcraft. View product.

    Start your day with sunshine.

    If your house is anything like mine, then breakfast on working days is a mad rush. On your days off, why not turn the most important meal of the day into an enjoyable experience? Make yourself something special for breakfast and take it outside to sit and enjoy in the sunshine. Start the day as you mean to go on and embrace the relaxing nature of a well-earned break from work.

    Bistro sets provide your garden with versatile and comfortable seating, helping you enjoy the smaller things in life. Transform your garden this summer with a little Parisian inspiration and find more excuses to get outside and enjoy your outdoor space.


    See our exclusive range of Bistro sets up close by visiting us in-store, you can find your local store here.


  7. How to Choose the Right Garden Furniture

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    Our Guide to Choosing Garden Furniture

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published 14th January 2022

    When it comes to buying garden furniture, it can feel very daunting as there are a lot of things to consider. Not only do you want great style and structure, but it needs to be practical and affordable. We’ve put together a little guide to help you feel a little more confident in kitting out your garden.

    Buying garden furniture online can save you a lot of hassle, but it is important to get clued up before you commit. Read the descriptions thoroughly and keep your garden size and budget in the front of your mind.

    Does garden furniture come ready-made?

    Garden furniture is sold and supplied as both flat packed and pre-made, with benefits for both:

    • Flat packed furniture is much easier to transport and so you don’t have to worry about booking a delivery time.
    • Pre-Made furniture will need a larger vehicle or require home delivery, but you can rest assured it has been constructed correctly.

    What material is Garden Furniture made of?

    Outdoor furniture is available in a variety of different materials, each with its own pros and cons. Here are the three most common types:

    Wooden Garden Furniture:

    Wooden outdoor furniture is a popular choice when it comes to garden furniture, they look good in the majority of gardens. You will need to help maintain the wood by treating it when necessary. If treated and protected correctly, wooden garden chairs and tables can be one of the longest-lasting garden additions. Keep an eye out for wood that is FSC certified, as this means it has been sustainably sourced. Matching wooden planters sit beautifully alongside your chosen furniture.

    Twin wooden garden benches on grass under an autumn tree.

    Rattan Garden Furniture:

    Rattan outdoor furniture is very easy to maintain and often weatherproof, but be sure to read the label. Often supplied in charcoal colours or neutral shades, it offers a contemporary appeal to any outdoor space. Make sure you have somewhere to store the cushions, as they will need to be protected from the weather. If you really want an elevated look, try out an outdoor rug or some vibrant outdoor scatter cushions to add personality.

    Rattan corner sofa on decking adorned with cushions in a beige colour.

    Metal Garden Furniture:

    Metal outdoor furniture such as bistro sets are perfect for smaller gardens and balconies. They are the perfect place to have a coffee, or glass of wine and relax. However, if you are looking to get the most for your money, have a look at larger outdoor furniture sets, such as our Hartwell set. Buying everything in one go can often save you a lot of money, with the added benefit of having a consistent look through your outdoor space. Enjoy family meals outside on a hot summers day, or curl up in the sunshine with your favourite magazine.

    Metal furniture has a higher chance of rusting, so it is important to keep it stored away during inclement weather. Furniture covers are a great way to quickly protect your set in those unexpected downpours.

    Metal garden furniture set with blue striped cushions and parasol on a patio in the sunshine.

    Something for everyone; where the purpose is key.

    When deciding which styles of furniture you need for your outdoor space, think purpose. It may sound obvious, but the best way to get the most for your money is to focus on where the most use will come from. Take the time to think about how you already spend time in the garden, as well as the time you wish you could be spending. Consider the entire household, and consider visitors and entertainment needs.

    Children’s Outdoor Furniture

    Children love being outdoors, so let them enjoy it for longer. Investing in hardwearing outdoor dining set for children provides somewhere for eating, playing and crafting. Having furniture in their size is much safer as the risk of falling is reduced. Let them feel like little grown-ups and nurture their imaginations.

    Cuddly dog toy and teddy bear sitting on a wooden benches and table set designed for children.

    Time to relax.

    There are plenty of outdoor seat types that are designed for you to relax on. Depending on personal preference, you can consider items such as swing seats, recliner chairs or even hammocks. Swinging seats are great for couples or catching up with a friend whilst taking a load off. A sun lounger or recliner chair is better suited to soaking up rays of sunshine and enjoying an afternoon siesta in the garden.

    Charcoal grey outdoor swing set on a patio with a garden in the background.

    Be a little shady.

    We all know that sun safety is extremely important, so add a little shade to your outdoor space. You may be fortunate enough to have trees close enough to provide you with natural shelter, but if not, you can find plenty of structures to help. A gazebo is perfect for covering your favourite garden dining set or outdoor sofa. If you want something a little more versatile, think about getting a good quality parasol. Parasols and garden umbrellas are brilliant for moving around the garden and adjusting to daylight hours. For something a little more permanent, an awning or canopy can provide elegant shelter for a patio.

    Charcoal pergola style gazebo covering a grey rattan dining set in the garden.
    Make your garden your own, take your time to choose furniture that is right for you and suits your style. Time in the garden is so good for our wellbeing and much cheaper than days out. Create an oasis at home that you will love spending time in. You won’t regret it!

    Discover a fantastic range of outdoor living products online at great prices, or visit us in store for a better look.

    Read about more great ideas for Garden | Lifestyle | Summer