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    Christmas Eve Box Ideas

    By Rachael – Content Editor

    Published 15th November 2021


    Twas the night before Christmas

    Christmas eve boxes are an excellent way to make the night before Christmas that extra bit magical for all the family. In the past few years, hessian sacks have topped the “must-have” list for Christmas morning, and families are still adorning bedsteads with traditional stockings, but Christmas eve boxes are increasing in popularity as an exciting build-up to the big day.

    Varitety of Christmas gift boxes and gift bags in a living room decorated for Christmas

    What are Christmas Eve boxes?

    Christmas eve boxes are a lovely idea for Christmas Eve that usually gets filled with pyjamas, socks and little goodies. A selection of toys and treats are perfect for building up excitement for the big day. You can tailor your Christmas Eve Boxes to suit your Christmas eve plans, whether you are planning a cosy movie night or a fun games night.

    Ideas and inspiration to fill your Christmas Eve box

    The advent calendar is nearly finished, under the tree is packed full of presents and the mince pies are out. Settling down with a box of chocolates and a Christmas film, what could be cosier?

    So, while Father Christmas is preparing to dash from house to house on the busiest night of the year – now is the perfect time to gather around to open the Christmas eve boxes together as a family.

    Whether you’re looking to fill a box for a toddler, child, teenager or adult, we have plenty of ideas and inspiration for you and your loved ones.

    Two pairs of feet in cosy socks resting by an open fire

    Board games and card games

    For kids, try putting a small game in their Christmas eve box to play with before bed and help to distract them from the growing excitement. Christmas eve is always a challenge to get everyone off to sleep, so think of ways to tire everyone out. A couple of hours around the family table playing a game should pass the time and fill the evening with laughter. Board games and classic playing cards are perfect for a family evening of fun. If you still have last-minute jobs to be getting on with, why not keep the little ones distracted with some Arts & Crafts?

    Soft Christmas toys and tree decorations

    Christmas is all about making memories and it’s the often little things at Christmas time that are most adored. Tucking a small Christmas toy or decoration in their Christmas eve box is another great idea that can help build up a packed box while remaining inexpensive.

    A selection of board games and toys on a white background

    Goodies & Treats

    Another way to fill your box is with little packs of goodies to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. A mug, sachet of hot chocolate and some marshmallows would be a perfect accompaniment to a new set of pyjamas and a pair of cosy slippers. Alternatively, a Christmas-themed book for a nighttime read before bed, leaving the kids feeling Christmassy and full of imagination.

    Chocolates and sweets are perfect for those with a sweet tooth! Why not add in some popcorn and family snacks to go alongside a festive movie marathon?

    Selection of sweets, chocolates and crisps on a white background

    Bubble bath and pyjamas

    Bubble bath is perfect for Christmas eve boxes. Whether it’s for the children’s bath before bed – or for the adults to relax after the kids have gone to bed! You could even think about adding in a new flannel or a brand-new toothbrush. Fresh pyjamas make everyone excited to head to bed and will have you all looking your best for the Christmas morning photographs.

    Christmas Eve Box ideas for teenagers, adults and couples

    Here at QD, the talk amongst the staff has been how much harder it’s getting to purchase gifts for teenagers and young adults. Not to mention trying to keep them involved with festive family celebrations – without the distractions of technology.

    Family-time on Christmas Eve is a special time, and the boxes are a great way to bring everyone together.  Joke gifts, gadgets and novelty items can be the perfect way to include teenagers. If you are struggling for ideas, try filling out their boxes with some of their favourite skincare items or daily smellies.

    Five gift sets containing different types of alcohol against a wooden background
    Adults and couples will no doubt love the pyjamas and sweet treats, but how about adding in some miniature alcoholic tipples? Toiletries and luxury bathing items are sure to be a winner. Most adults choose not to have a Christmas stocking, but the Christmas eve box is a perfect place for grown-up stocking fillers. Thoughtful and funny are both ideal in equal measures!

    All in all, a Christmas eve box will provide your family with a heart-warming new tradition, spreading the seasonal joy and making the magic last for longer.

    parents and a young girl opening a box under the christmas tree