Spring Cleaning – Easy-To-Forget Jobs

February 21, 2022 by Laura QD

26 Easily Forgotten Spring Cleaning Jobs

By Rachael – Content Editor

Published February 2021


Spring into cleaning, you’ve got this.

Spring is in the air, which means it’s time to get down and dirty – with some spring cleaning! Freshening up your home and garden will give your mood a boost and make it easier to sit back and enjoy the upcoming warmer weather.

We all know the basic things to clean, but there are some cleaning jobs that get easily missed. We have put together a little checklist of commonly forgotten spring cleaning jobs to help every home feel and look its best.

Man crouched down spring cleaning his chrome oven with a blue cloth

One room at a time.

Spring cleaning can feel like such a big task and not a fun one at that. It is important to take your time and do things step by step, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Try getting together as a family or dynamite duo, cleaning with some company is always more enjoyable. Pop on the radio and add some energy to your atmosphere, lifting your spirits will help any task feel more enjoyable.


Everything happens in the kitchen.

Let’s be honest, the kitchen is definitely prone to the most mess in your home. From family fry-ups to regular roasts, there will be oils splattered galore. Cupboards are full of leaky condiments, rogue pasta shells and cake sprinkles. Do we even want to think about how many things have fallen down the back of the oven?!

Never fear, the grime will clear. Whack on some rubber gloves and sharpen your scourers – it will be shining bright again in no time. Here is our list of commonly forgotten places to clean in the kitchen:

Knife Block – Remove all the knives and give the slots a good cleaning, bacteria can easily build up there.

Kettle – Kettles need descaling regularly, but a good all over clean is also good practice.

Washing Machine – Take out your machine and clean the space behind it. Follow manufacturer’s instructions on how to deep clean the machine inside.

Fridge – A deep clean inside is essential for fridges. Check any filters inside and pull the fridge out to clean behind it. Sanitise handles and wipe down the outside.

Toaster – Clean out the crumb tray and give the toaster a good shake before cleaning its surfaces.

Cupboards – Empty your cupboards one at a time and wipe down all surfaces. Be sure to dry them before putting everything back.

Oven – As well as giving the inside a good clean, don’t forget the exterior – especially handles. Pull out your oven and clean behind it, you will be surprised how much gets down there.

Microwave –  Take out the tray and clean the inside thoroughly. Try these great tips for getting the bad smells out of your microwave from Universal Appliance Repair.

Blue rubber glove using a yellow sponge to clean the inside of a microwave


Make your bathroom shine.

We already spend a lot of time cleaning the bathroom due to its nature, but is there anything we are forgetting? Once the tiles are gleaming and everything is sanitised, look out for these easily missed bathroom cleaning jobs:

Shower Curtains – Depending on the fabric, bacteria can easily linger on shower curtains. Take them down and give them a good clean, some can even go in the machine! 

Toothbrush holder – It is usually difficult to see inside a toothbrush holder, but they are the perfect hiding place for grime and mould.

Air Vents & Extractor Fans – Dust and debris can prevent your extractor fans from working properly and reduce air quality.

Bathroom Storage –  Give your shelving and cupboards a good clean. It’s also a great opportunity to have a good sort out.


Love your living room.

Now the months of cosy tucked away evenings are behind us, we need to freshen up our home to be guest-ready. Aside from the daily clean-ups, giving your living space a deep clean can make the room feel renewed and inviting. Here are a few jobs you may not have thought about, which will give an instant uplift:

Upholstered Furniture – Steam cleaning your sofas and chairs can make them feel brand new, brightening the fabric and removing smells.

Cushions & Throws – Even if they look clean, give your throws and cushions covers a machine wash. You can also wash the cushion inserts but check the label first.

Blinds – Not the easiest to dust, but worth it. Try closing over the blinds and wiping them with a microfibre cloth to bust the dust.

Curtains – Most ready-made curtains can be machine washed, but check the label. Clean curtains can add a delightfully fresh scent to the room.

Carpets & Rugs – Not all dirt can be removed by the vacuum cleaner. Try a once over with a good quality carpet cleaner to have your floor looking good as new.

Lady relaxing on a couch and enjoying a nice clean living room


Brighten up your bedroom

Your bedroom should be a relaxing sanctuary to come home to, improve the air quality by ridding the space of unnecessary dust. Give your bedroom the same treatment as any other living space with regular cleaning. Don’t forget these key focus areas whilst spring cleaning:

Mattress – Go over your mattress with the vacuum to help shift dust. Flipping a mattress periodically is also recommended.

Pillows – Most pillows can be machine washed but always check the label. Washing not only freshens them up but will help your pillows last longer.

Lamps & Lighting Fixtures – Bedside lamps are usually dust magnets, lightly dust the light bulbs and wipe down the lampshades inside and out.

Underneath & Behind – Bedrooms usually have lots of bulky furniture, be sure to vacuum under and behind these to clear any build-ups of dust.


Sometimes it’s the little things

A spring clean is a perfect time to clean up all aspects of your everyday living. You may discover there are some household items that get regular use that completely forget when it comes to our cleaning routine. These simple reminders could really freshen up your surroundings:

The vacuum cleaner – A clean vacuum cleaner will work more efficiently and help avoid any unwanted smells.

Smoke detectors – Give all detectors in your home a good clean and change over the batteries if needed.

Mobile Phones – Studies have found that our mobile phones harbour huge amounts of bacteria when not cleaned regularly.

Landlines – Not all homes have a landline, but if you do then give it a thorough wipe down.

Doors – Freshen up your front door for a great first impression. Glass sealants are prone to a build-up of grime. Be sure to dust the tops of all interior doors, they often get forgotten.

couple standing with cleaning products in a very tidy living room looking accomplished after spring cleaning

Less mess, less stress.

Once all the work is done, it is time to stand back and admire all of your spring cleaning hard work. Not only is your home smelling fresh and inviting, but you can relax knowing every space is nice and clean. When spring arrives and the windows are flooded with glorious sunshine, your home will be gleaming.


We have a great range of cleaning products available online, see our online range here.


Visit us in-store for our full range of cleaning products, you can find your nearest QD here.